Assesor: BRAIN-be: Belgian Research Action Through Interdisciplinary Networks (Ekstern organisation)

  • Ann Morrison (Medlem)

Aktivitet: MedlemskabMedlemskab af udvalg, kommission, råd, nævn, forening, organisation eller lignende


Interdisciplinary Expert: The Council of Ministers approved on 5 October 2012, the launch of the first phase (2012-2018) of the recurrent Research Framework Programme BRAIN-be (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks).

The programme is organised around six themes:

Ecosystems, biodiversity, life history
Geosystems universe and climate
Cultural, historical and scientific heritage
Federal government strategies
Major societal challenges
Collections Management

and relies on the funding of two types of research projects:

network projects of four years with the possibility of two-year projects and
pioneer projects of up to two years.

More information about the programme can be found on the site

Interdisciplinary Expert
Periodemar. 2013feb. 2016
Sted for afholdelseAssesor: BRAIN-be: Belgian Research Action Through Interdisciplinary Networks
Grad af anerkendelseInternational