Institutionalism and the Explanation of Change in Political Science

  • Thomas Engel Dejgaard (Deltager)

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar, udstilling eller lignende


    This course examines institutionalism in political science through the lens of the newest of the new institutionalisms, discursive institutionalism (DI). Its main focus will be on recent attempts in political science to explain change. It begins with an examination of how discursive institutionalism explains changes in politics and society. It then considers whether and how the three older new institutionalisms in discursive institutionalist perspective explain change, including rational choice institutionalism (RI), sociological institutionalism (SI), and historical institutionalism (HI). It ends with a discussion of the practical application of these frameworks in a variety of empirical settings, including political economy, welfare states, and international relations. The course serves to familiarize students with the nature and limits of all four institutionalisms while showing how to use discursive institutionalist approaches to explain change (and continuity) in politics and society.
    Periode26 sep. 201130 sep. 2011
    PlaceringRoskilde, DanmarkVis på kort