Personlig profil


Our main interest is microbial consortia and to understand how they control the function of environmental and engineered systems. We study microbial diversity and functional traits from species to ecosystems including factors controlling community assembly and dynamics. We apply a range of complementary approaches from DNA-based community surveys, (meta)genomics, metabolic reconstruction, to the use of isotopes, confocal microscopy, and Raman microspectroscopy.  Main focus areas:

  • Microbial communities and key processes in wastewater treatment plants and resource recovery systems (MiDAS)
  • Microbial extracellular biopolymers as recycled resources (REThiNk)
  • Novel microbes, functions and biogeography in natural and engineered ecosystems (Microflora Danica)


Course responsible for Environmental Biotechnology which is a 5 ECTS semester course for 7th-semester students on Biotechnology, Biology and Chemistry. Supervising semester group projects (15 ETCS) on 7th-semester Biotechnology within the theme Molecular Methods.


  • Miljø
  • Mikrobielle samfund (biofilm og konsortier)
  • Identifikation og karakterisering af ikke-dyrkbare bakterier
  • Adhæsion af bakterier til overflader, exopolymerer
  • Biologisk rensning af spildevand, drikkevand og luft
  • Produktion af bioenergi (biogas), genbrug af ressourcer (fosfat)
  • Udvikling af nye metoder i mikrobiel økologi (-omicsmetoder, isotoper, enkeltcelleteknikker)
  • Sundhedsteknologi
  • Sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier og implantater
  • Kemi og Biovidenskab
  • Miljøbioteknologi
  • Mikrobiologi
  • Mikrobielle samfund


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  • 1 Lignende profiler

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