Koordination i kognitivt samarbejde/Cognitive collaboration



Projektet skal bidrage til forståelsen af intentionel vidensdeling som fænomen, der er karakteriserende for menneskelig bevidsthed ved teoretisk eksploration og case-studium. Undersøger, hvordan integration af socialt distribueret viden kan udspille sig under projektarbejde via et asynkront konferencesystem, og foreslår en rammeforståelse for denne type erkendelsesarbejde. Intentional distribution of knowledge production and integration of results can be see as a fundamental aspect of human consciousness. While the cognitive prerequisites and processes of implementation are not yet well understood, the ability is given a pivotal role in several recent applications of information- and communication technology. In this study, a case of computer supported collaborative learning is explored and a theoretical framework for understanding this type of cognitive collaboration is suggested.
Effektiv start/slut dato31/12/200331/12/2003