REcall DoW: Total budget: 398.390 EUR - AAU andel: 53.452 EUR

  • Fisker, Anna Marie (Projektdeltager)



REcall DoW seeks to formulate a new role of the architectural environment based on invigorated research on the cultural landscapes of WWI and WWII and strengthen the attention on the management, documentation and preservation of this heritage.

The project regards heritage as a dynamic process, involving the declaration of our memory of past events and actions that have been refashioned for present day purposes such as identity, community, legalisation of power and authority. The project group see that any cultural landscape – i.e. architecture- is characterized by its dynamism, temporality and changing priorities in social perception.

We stress that the research we develop will generate the values to be protected tomorrow. On the strength of this account, our project proposes the development of sustainable and innovative architectural practices for reuse, valorisation and communication of the XXth Century European Conflict Heritage considered as Cultural Landscape.

Politecnico di Milano
Aalborg Universitet
Newcastle University
NTNU – Trondheim
Falstad Center
Museo Diffuso della Resistenza
Effektiv start/slut dato01/08/201231/03/2014


  • European Conflict Heritage
  • WW1
  • WW2