Transforming Communication and Relationships in Interdisciplinary Teams: a mixed methods study

Birgitte Tørring

Publikation: Ph.d.-afhandling

617 Downloads (Pure)
  • Sørensen, Erik Elgaard, Hovedvejleder
  • Rasmussen, Bodil Steen, Bivejleder
  • Laursen, Mogens, Bivejleder
  • Gittell, Jody Hoffer , Bivejleder, Ekstern person
ISBN'er, elektronisk978-87-7210-205-4
StatusUdgivet - 2018

Bibliografisk note

PhD supervisor:
Professor Erik Elgaard Sørensen, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg
University & Clinical Nursing Research Unit, Aalborg University Hospital

Assistant PhD supervisors:
Professor Bodil Steen Rasmussen, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University & Department of Anesthesiology, Aalborg University Hospital
Associate Professor Mogens Berg Laursen, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University & Department of Orthopedic, Aalborg University Hospital
Professor Jody Hoffer Gittell, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management,
Brandeis University
