Dispersor: An R-based Program for Very Simple Dispersion Plots

Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (Producent)

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    Dispersor is a very simple script that can help you make dispersion plots. Dispersion plots are a simple way to get an idea of the distribution of a single word or a string, or cluster, of words in one text. Dispersion plots can be used in both Text Linguistics and (Digital) Literary Studies as well as text-based Digital Humanities more generally. Dispersor contains codes from Jockers (2014) and draws inspiration from codes in Gries (2009).

    Gries, Stefan Th. (2009). Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R: A Practical Introduction. London: Routledge.
    Jockers, Matthew L. (2014). Text Anaysis with R for Students of Literature Heidelberg: Springer.

    Dispersor is a very simplistic program, and there are much more advanced programs for R out there that can make complex dispersion plots. However, the simplicity of Dispersor makes it suitable if you ONLY want a simple dispersion plot and nothing else. I envisage that it can be used by undergraduate students at AAU (and elsewhere) in student projects and teachers of basic courses in quantitative text analysis and quantitative discourse analysis. Then they can move on to more advanced and complex programs when they are ready.

    NOTE: There may be a bug when you have to chose the text file for analysis. If a warning pops up telling you that a file does not exist and asking you if you want to create it, just click no, and you should be able to select the file you want to analyze.
    Publikationsdato8 mar. 2015
    StatusUdgivet - 8 mar. 2015


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