Opbrud i medicinen fra 1750 - 1850: Om positioner, kampe, videnskab og praksis i medicinsk felt

Kristian Larsen

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    Transformation in Medicine, 1750 – 1850: Positions, Struggles, Science and Practice in the Medical Field. How was the medical field constituted and changed
    from the Hippocratic medicine to the modern classificatory and pathological medicine from 1750-1850? The article summarizes empirical insights from three studies (Skydsgaard, Bonderup and Porter) of the period. These insights are sought theorized with inspiration from Bourdieu’ian concepts like field position, capital and strategy and Bourdieu’s theory of practice. It is a dramatic period in medical history but also a time of great stability and inertia in medical practice despite epistemological breaks in medical science. ‘Lay’ knowledge, ‘clinical’ knowledge among physiologist and ‘research’ knowledge are differently positioned, sometimes constituting and supporting each other, often opposed to each other in conflict. Positions in the field occupied by physiologists, surgeons, empiricists and pharmacists are struggling, applying strategies like ‘aggressive interventions’, ‘alliances with the state’ or ‘alliances with pastors and teachers’.
    TidsskriftPraktiske Grunde. Tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab
    Udgave nummer1
    Sider (fra-til)25-67
    Antal sider42
    StatusUdgivet - nov. 2012


    • Bourdieu
    • Medical history
    • sociology
    • Sociology of medicine
    • position and strategies
    • knowledge
    • profession
