Joint Bio Energy Institute (JBEI). Laurance Berkeley National Laboratory and University of Berkeley

  • Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen (Visiting researcher)

Activity: Visiting another research institution


Advanced Biofuels - Pretreatment methods, biomass ressources, conversion technologies

3 month Study visit at Joint Bio Energy Institute (JBEI). Laurance Berkeley National Laboratory and University of Berkeley
Cooperation with different teams at JBEI in the area of Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass.
Participated in several conferences and projects of biomass to fuels and higher value products and advanced life science courses.

Forskningsophold ansøgt og bevilliget af Forskningsministeriet i Danmark under H-star og Citris ordningen mellem Danmark og Sanford/Berkeley - Silicon Valley joint partnerships
Period1 Aug 201131 Oct 2011
VisitingJoint Bio Energy Institute (JBEI). Laurance Berkeley National Laboratory and University of Berkeley