Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Neurosurgical Research Unit supervise all research- and educational activities related to the Department of Neurosurgery, Aalborg University Hospital. Our primary goal is to provide a broad and multidisciplinary international research- and knowledge environment that will continue to secure the best possible neurosurgical treatment to our patients.

Our primary areas of research are, 1) development of large animal models for experimental neurosurgery within neuromodulation with stem cells, gene therapy and electrodes, and for the exploration of brain abscess; 2) clinical research on spinal cord stimulation, hydrocefalus, intensive neuromonitoring, subaracnoidal hemorrhage, brain tumor, spinal neurosurgery and the neuropsychological sequelae after traumatic brain damage. Special emphasis is furthermore allocated to the development and implementation of standarised evdiencebased neurosurgical treatment protocols and the factors who promote/hinder this process.


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Collaborations from the last five years

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