Linda Vabbersgaard Andersen

Librarian DB, Research Supporter,

  • Thomas Manns Vej 23, 1-241

    9220 Aalborg Ø



Research activity per year

Personal profile

Administrative profile

  • Management support and counseling
  • Administrative department tasks (Mail distributor (Main mailbox, PhD mailbox, Research mailbox), personal profiles, external requests for access to internal documents, conference coordinator, department seminars, etc.)
  • Administrative PhD support person and contact person to the Doctoral School (11th month seminar, PhD submission, plagiarism report in iThenticate, invitation for defence, PhD theses publication, defence planning, etc.)
  • Researcher support, guiding and gives information about (Funding, research repository, copyright, plagiarism, strategy in relation to projects, university strategy and research indicator, guidance, and search tools, etc.)
  • Union representative for scientific, administrative, and technical DM and DJØF members at BUILD – The Department of the Built Environment.
  • The department's working environment representative for administrative employees in Aalborg
  • The department's employee representative in the local liaison committee.


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