Personal profile

Research profile

Gennem min forskning om arbejdsmigration, menneskehandel og sex til salg undersøger jeg inklusions- og eksklusionsprocesser; hvordan migranter, som minoriteter, på forskelligvis er ekskluderet og inkluderet i modtagersamfundet i henhold til diskrimination og racisme. Jeg gør dette fra et bottom up og et top down perspektiv:

1) Nedefra undersøger jeg, hvordan migranters subjektpositioner etableres og forhandles i krydsfelter mellem køn, racialisering, professioner og seksualitet. Dette perspektiv afslører skabelsen af forskellige omstridte identiteter samt hvordan migranter navigerer indenfor regimer som for eksempel migration, prostitution og det transnationale arbejdsmarked.

2) Oppefra undersøger jeg, hvordan staten og andre aktører såsom NGOer og virksomheder påvirker migranters mobilitet og deres arbejdsforhold. For eksempel undersøger jeg, hvordan migranter er styret gennem et nexus mellem anti-trafficking og prostitutionspolitikker eller et nexus mellem anti-trafficking, migrations- og arbejdsmarkedets politikker. 

Research profile

Through research on labour migration, human trafficking and sex for sale, I investigate processes of inclusion and exclusion; how migrants, as minorities, in various ways are excluded and included in the receiving society in terms of discrimination and racism. I do this from a bottom up and a top down perspective:

1)     From below I investigate how the subject positions of the migrants are established and negotiated through the intersecting markers such as i.e. gender, racialisation, professions and sexuality. Taking this perspective reveals the creation of different contested identities as well as how migrants navigate within the regimes of migration, prostitution and the labour market. 

2)     From above I explore how actors like the state, NGOs and enterprise shape the mobility and the work conditions of the migrants. For instance, I study how migrants are governed through the nexus of anti-trafficking and prostitution policies as well as the nexus of anti-trafficking, migrations- and labour market policies.


  • Discourse and Society
  • Migration
  • Human trafficking
  • Labour migration
  • Sexuality
  • Intimacy
  • Racialisation
  • Ethnography
  • sex for sale
  • Transnational marriage
  • Gender
  • Prostitution
  • Discourse analysis
  • Migration infrastructure
  • Labour exploitation
  • Governmentality


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