Smart Water

  • Sohal, Muhammad Adeel Nasser (Project Participant)
  • Thyne, Geoffrey (Project Participant)
  • Søgaard, Erik Gydensen (Project Licensee)

Project Details


The project concerns the interaction between oil, brine and chalk and has its focus on the interface between these three phases. By using water flooding in oil reservoirs much more of the original oil in place can be recovered and by changing concentration or identity of the ionic substances the interface between chalk and oil can be influenced so more oil will follow the water phase. It means that more oil will be produced. Flotation experiments and core flooding equipment are important parts of the present research.

Layman's description

I forhold til almindeligt havvand, der mest benyttes til water flooding med henblik på en forøgelse af produktionen af olie fra kalkreservoirer, er der i dette projekt tale om, at indholdet af makroioner enten fortyndes, eller der tilføjes større mængder af visse ioner, der vil bidrage til at forøge den producerede oliemængde.

Key findings

Improvement of amounts of produced oil due to use of new species in the sea water has been discovered.
StatusNot started