Translations of Security

  • Gad, Ulrik Pram (PI)

    Project Details


    The book attempts to take security studies beyond the established theoretical debates and schools and ask how security is translated within different fields and spheres. In contemporary security, an increasingly wide range of agencies, organizations and businesses play a central role in defining security policy and security political knowledge. This ‘diffusion’ of security knowledge and management changes the mere meaning of our concepts and practices of security; the meaning and management of threats, risks, dangers, unsustainability, uncertainty, and security. The book will focus on how different spheres and organizations incorporate, manage, challenge, mimic or even transform knowledge and practices.
    Collective project in the Center of Advanced Security Theory:
    Effective start/end date01/04/201501/05/2017

    Collaborative partners

    • Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (lead)