Efectiveness of GrpMI with fibromyalgia patients

Esperanza Torres Serna

Research output: PhD thesis

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This study attempts to demonstrate the effectiveness of Group Music and Imagery (GrpMI) with women suffering from fibromyalgia (FM). It uses a randomized controlled trial, with a pretest-posttest control group design, and a three month follow-up.

The results show statistically or tendentially significant positive effects for the following relevant variables of the symptoms of fibromyalgia: pain, anxiety, depression, anger, impact of FM on functional capacity and health, and perception of psychological wellbeing,

The effectiveness of GrpMI intervention with women suffering from FM suggests that it is advisable to use music therapy and especially Group Imagery and Music for FM treatment. The results obtained open the way for further research studies focussing on the usefulness of GrpMI in other populations that, like FM sufferers, experience chronic pain.
Original languageEnglish
Electronic ISBNs978-87-7112-312-8
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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  • PhD course in Music Therapy Research

    Esperanza Torres Serna (Participant)

    2 Nov 20156 Nov 2015

    Activity: Attending an eventOrganisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar

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