ColloInputGenerator: An R-Based Program to Generate Input Files for Use with Coll.Analysis

Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (Producer)

    Research output: Non-textual formComputer programmeResearch

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    This is a very simple program to help you put together input files for use in Gries' (2007) R-based collostruction analysis program. It basically puts together a text file with a frequency list of lexemes in the construction and inserts a column where you can add the corpus frequencies. It requires you to input a text file with a raw list of lexemes that appear in the construction under investigation. This is converted into an a frequency with the format described above. Open this file in a spreadsheet and fill in the corpus-wide word frequencies and save the file as a text file. You can now use it as input for basic collexeme collostructional analysis (Stefanowitsch & Gries 2003) in Gries' (2007) program. ColloInputGenerator is, in its current state, based on programming commands introduced in Gries (2009).

    Projected updates: Generation of complete work-ready frequency lists.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date22 May 2013
    Size3.79 KB
    Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2013

    Bibliographical note

    To run program, open R and type:



    • construction grammar
    • corpus linguistics
    • collostruction
    • Quantitative Linguistic Analysis
    • R
    • software


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    • Constructions

      Jensen, K. E.

      01/12/2010 → …

      Project: Research

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