Compatibilizing agents influence on mechanical properties of PP/clay nanocomposites

Catalina-Gabriela Sanporean, Dan Donescu, Zina Vuluga, Jesper de Claville Christiansen, Erik Appel Jensen, Horia Paven

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5 Citations (Scopus)


S-a investigat din punct de vedere mecanic influenţa concentraţiei de argilă
şi a utilizării unui sistem cu doi agenţi de compatibilizare. Argila Cloisite –Na a fost
modificată organic cu o polietermonoamină, iar, ca agent de compatibilizare
secund, s-a adăugat polipropilena maleinizată (MA-PP) sau stiren-etilen-butilenstirenul
maleinizat (MA-SEBS). Nanocompozitele de polipropilenă astfel obţinute au
prezentat cristalinitate şi grosime lamelară crescută. Nanocompozitele cu MA-PP
au prezentat, în general, proprietăţi mecanice îmbunătăţite, în special rezistenţa la
tracţiune, rezistenţa la fluaj şi la testare ciclică, în timp ce nanocompozitele cu MASEBS
au prezentat o îmbunătăţire a curgerii superioare şi o creştere a ductilităţii.
The influence of Clay concentration and of two compatibilizers system use
was investigated from mechanical point of view. Cloisite-Na Clay was organically
modified with a polyethermonoamine and, as second compatibilizer, the maleated
polypropylene (MA-PP) or maleated styrene-ethylene-buthylene-styrene (MA-SEBS)
were added. Polypropylene nanocomposites with increased crystalline phase and
lamellar thickness were obtained. The nanocomposites with MA-PP showed an
overall improvement in mechanical properties, especially in tensile strength, creep
strain and cyclic test, while those with MA-SEBS presented an improvement in neck
propagation, as well as an increase in ductility.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPolytechnical University of Bucharest. Scientific Bulletin. Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)3-16
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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