Deliverable 3.3.1 - Assessment Methodology on ISISEMD platform

Carrie Beth Peterson, ISISEMD Consortium

Research output: Book/ReportReportCommissioned


The overall goal of the ISISEMD project is to offer innovative ICT services to improve the quality of life of elderly persons with cognitive problems or mild dementia and their informal and formal caregivers who provide every day care for them. This will be done via the ISISEMD platform – a platform of intelligent scalable ICT services which will be tested for a period of 12 months under realistic conditions with end-users. In order to analyse the impact and the outcome from introducing these services, after the one year of pilot operation, overall assessment will be carried out by the project partners. This document is devoted to describing the assessment methodology for the ISISEMD platform in terms of key aspects of the assessment, indicators for evaluation, expected benefits, etc.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2009


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