Fugt, ventilation, skimmelsvampe og husstøvmider: En tværsnitundersøgelse i lejligheder

Translated title of the contribution: Humidity, ventilation, mould and house dust mites

Research output: Book/ReportBookResearch

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The result of measurements made in 87 randomly selected apartments show that 13% of the apartments had mould growth and that the floor covering in bedrooms is crucial for the incidence of house dust mites. It was also found that the behaviour of the occupants in dealing with moisture sources often determines moisture conditions more than the outdoor air change rate. The results demonstrate the great need for improved moisture regulating behaviour and more knowledge about function and use of outdoor air valves and installations. The results are useful as background material for housing associations, building authorities and building designers.
Translated title of the contributionHumidity, ventilation, mould and house dust mites
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationHørsholm
PublisherSBI forlag
Number of pages33
ISBN (Print)87-563-1088-9
Publication statusPublished - 2001
SeriesBy og Byg Resultater


  • indoor climate
  • ventilation
  • moisture
  • moulds
  • apartments


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