Art technologies as possible propulsars in technological innovation

Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paperResearch


Art and technology has, as the German philosopher Martin Heidegger points out, the same etymological root. A thorough investigation of the relationship between art and technology will show how this same root has manifested itself in different times and spaces bringing results of the most variegated kind. This discussion, of general character, constitutes the initial part of this paper. Then it briefly looks into the final terms of the papertitle and try to relate to the diffuse and discussed technological innovation. Both aspects – art and technology and technological innovation – will be dealt with from a historical/hermeneutic and social constructivist point of view, as the paper moves from a general principal level to a more specific, exemplary level, where three different art technologies are presented as possible propulsars in technological innovation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • philosophy
  • innovation
  • art
  • technology

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