Critical Places Beyond the Psychology of Well-Being and Competitiveness

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    The purpose of the present contribution is to look beyond the limits evident in dualistic discourses in educational practices. Torn between the promises of well-being or the hard facts of competitiveness, educational institutions at all levels of instruction might miss the point of a more holistic approach to learning and creativity. Looking beyond dichotomous discourses in educational practices is harder than ever, in a world where globalisation demands high standards of competitiveness and neoliberalism denies all but economic growth targets. Approaches that envision different solutions are necessarily imaginative, critical and alternative to rigid discourses. In order to find foundational evidence for alternative ways of thinking and talking about learning, I will look at how Dewian and Vygotskyan conceptualisations walk the same paths and go towards holistic suggestions. Concluding remarks will address the disruptive potential of critical thinking in schools for the future.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIntegrative Psychological & Behavioral Science
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)449–458
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2018


    • critical pedagogy
    • learning
    • education
    • Creative education
    • Critical pedagogy
    • Feminism
    • Vygotsky
    • Holism
    • Dewey


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