Improving Weather Radar Precipitation Estimates by Combining two Types of Radars

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9 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents a demonstration of how Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) X-band measurements can be combined with meteorological C–band measurements into a single radar product. For this purpose, a blending method has been developed which combines the strengths of the two radar systems. Combining the two radar types achieves a radar product with both long range and high temporal resolution. It is validated that the blended radar product performs better than the individual radars based on ground observations from laser disdrometers. However, the data combination is challenged by lower performance of the LAWR. Although both radars benefits from the data combination, it is also found that advection based temporal interpolation is a more favourable method for increasing the temporal resolution of meteorological C–band measurements.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAtmospheric Research
Issue numberMarch
Pages (from-to)36–45
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Weather Readar
  • C-Band
  • X-Band
  • LAWR
  • Radar QPE


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