Reverberant Room-to-Room Radio Channel Prediction by Using Rays and Graphs

Yang Miao, Troels Pedersen, Mingming Gan, Evengenii Vinogradov, Claude Oestges

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This paper proposes a hybrid modeling approach for the prediction of the room-to-room radio propagation channel. The model combines ray tracing (RT) with the propagation graph (PG). The PG vertices are obtained at each room by RT with the assumption that the receive antenna (or transmit antenna) virtually locates on the surface of the separating wall between the two rooms. Rays transmitted from one room to the other through the separating wall are deterministically calculated by Snell's law of refraction. Predictions by the proposed model are compared with the measurement data from an office-to-office scenario. The results show that the proposed modeling works with the simplest parameter settings, i.e., assuming no propagation from the room containing receive antenna to the room containing transmit antenna, RT applied separately in each room only involves mechanism of line of sight and first-order specular reflection.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8509595
JournalI E E E Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)484-494
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • Propagation graph (PG)
  • ray tracing (RT)
  • room-to-room radio channel


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