Analysis of CH3OH, CO, CO2 and Water Vapor In a H3PO4/PBI-based HT-PEMFC by Means of EIS

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Methanol can be a practically feasible source for fuel cells of the future, since the storage and distribution of hydrogen in either gas or liquid phase has turned out to be very costly and has still many technological limitations. This paper presents experimental results of the effects of methanol slip, CO, CO2 and water vapor in a H3PO4-doped polybenzimidazole (PBI) membrane-based high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell (HT-PEMFC). This is done to simulate the anode gas feed of a typical HT-PEMFC running on a reformate gas. The reforming process, which is the process by which methanol is converted in to H2 gas and CO2, can never give a hundred percent conversion, and therefore the remainder will slip to the fuel cell’s internal parts. Even though there has been an extensive work done on characterizing the poisoning effects of CO and CO2 in both low and high temperature PEM fuel cells, research on the eventual poisoning effects of methanol slip on HT-PEMFC is extremely scarce. This work studies the effects of all the undesired constituents of the reformate gas by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a characterization method. It analyses the performance of an HT-PEMFC for different feed gas concentrations and at different operating temperatures by carefully interpretation of impedance measurements done on a unit cell experimental setup.
Periode7 aug. 201110 aug. 2011
BegivenhedstitelASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 9th Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, ESFuelCell2011
PlaceringWashington, USAVis på kort