Best Practices of Societal Engagement

  • Johanne Frøsig Pedersen (Deltager)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar, udstilling eller lignende


"To start these later phases well-prepared, we would like to explore experiences of a wide range of experts from different fields and projects with dialogue and co-creation for citizen engagement. What are the best practices each field of expertise? What are the goals of societal engagement? What are suitable means to get there? And what makes a process feasible in an industry context? "

"During the expert seminar of 3 hours we will draw on the experiences of participants in order to gather best practices and create criteria of success that give expression to a plurality of voices, from the technical innovation reality to the citizen’s needs and hopes for the future."
Periode27 maj 2021