Hermeneutik og helbred

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragKonferenceoplæg


Patient-centred treatment and care have become important considerations in contemporary healthcare. At present, there is a growing demand from patients for medical treatments that consider individual factors. The healthcare sector itself has pushed for personalised medicine, as individually adapted treatments can be more effective and preventive than standard treatments.
Furthermore, it has been well documented that individuals’ perceptions and interpretations of their experiences can significantly impact their health. Thus, a classical humanistic discipline like hermeneutics, which offers insights into understanding the individual as an interpretive being, can gain renewed relevance in personalised medicine.
In his 1979 book Health, Stress, and Coping, the medical sociologist Aaron Antonovsky first introduced the idea that interpretation influences health. In the current paper, I will compare his theory with the classic hermeneutic framework, the theory of human understanding, proposed by the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. Through this comparison, I argue that hermeneutics should play a more central role in modern medicine.
Periode11 dec. 2024
Sted for afholdelseCenter for Sundhedsfilosofi og Etik, Syddansk Universitet
Grad af anerkendelseInternational