This project presented, aims to develop a hybrid learning format that that is sufficiently flexible to accommodate collaborative situations between students and teachers on two campuses and in collaborative situations off-campus and thereby explore a current co-teaching challenge that AAU is facing because of the start-up of a new Nordic joint degree master's program Visual Studies and Art Education (NM NoVA) in collaboration with Aalto University. A new physical space has been established on the AAU Cph campus, that digitally facilitates a video-mediated, synchronous third teaching/learning space and a similar facilitation is accessible at Aalto University. Teachers and researchers join into a collaboration and conduct the project drawing on the research principles from Design Based Research (eg. Barab & Squire 2004, Amiel & Reeves 2008) and theoretical knowledge generated in the field of synchronous learning formats (e.g. Eyat et Gil 2022, Levinsen et al. 2014) and from research in the particular subject related field of digital technology and visual arts education (e.g. Knochel & Patton 2015, Buhl 2019, Buhl & Skov 2020, Buhl & Skov 2021) as well as the participants practical experience from engaging in different synchronous learning formats shared and informed by discussions with peers.Periode | 21 aug. 2023 |
Begivenhedstitel | HEEL - digitalisering och samarbete med andra organisationer för att stärka kvaliteten i högre utbildning. |
Begivenhedstype | Seminar |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |
- Hybrid learning formats
- Higher Education
- aesthetic learning
- PBL (Problem Based Learning)
- Hybrid learning
- digital learning design
- Digital learning
Relateret indhold
Hybrid learning in aesthetic practices in higher education
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Exploring Hybrid Learning Formats in a Nordic Master’s Programme in Visual Studies and Art Education
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceeding › Konferenceartikel i proceeding › Forskning › peer review