Living Well With the Unborne

  • Stine W. Adrian (Foredragsholder)

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragGæsteforelæsning


In this presentation I will introduce the project “Technologies of Death and Dying at The Beginning of Life”. Technologies used during pregnancies, births and at NICUs influence how the death of fetuses and infants take place, and how they are managed. Prenatal screening that has been offered to all Danish pregnant women since 2004 has changed which lives are ended, while a cooling cot, a cot with cooling elements introduced at birthing wards, has enabled families that have lost an infant to spent more time with the infant before the funeral. In this project the cases of late-term abortion and the deaths of infants suffering from severe malformations will be our focus as we ask: How does technology remake death and dying at the beginning of life? Combining ethnographic and legal methods we will inquire into how deaths at the beginning of life emerge and are managed through technologies, and how these deaths are lived with. In this presentation I will particularly focus on how we conceptualize and understand technology as part of remaking death, through drawing on posthuman feminist theory, taking a point of departure in agential realism (Barad, 2007) and Haraway's reconfiguration of technologies (1991).
Periode25 mar. 2019
BegivenhedstitelTechnologies of Death and Dying at the Beginning of Life
PlaceringCork, IrlandVis på kort