Luhmann in Action: Empirical Studies of Structural Couplings

  • Kaveh Shamshiri-Petersen (Deltager)

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i konference


    Dehumanization as an unintended consequence of the heavy complexity in military missions: This paper has examined Danish soldiers’ view of the civilian population in Iraq. Firstly, the aim was to determine Danish soldiers’ experience of the civilian population, secondly how this experience was established, and thirdly uncovering its consequences. An integrated paradox and complexity in the stationed soldiers’ role and tasks on the mission is the starting point of the questions asked. On the one hand, Danish soldiers are expected to carry out peacekeeping, conflict resolving and humanitarian tasks among the civilians and participating in the rebuilding process of Iraq, including the infrastructure and construction of schools and waterworks. On the other hand, they are also expected to play their role as warring soldiers, solving peacemaking tasks and fighting insurgents and criminals. At the same time, the Iraqi war is characterised by being irregular, involving Danish soldiers having great difficulties in distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants. Insurgents do not differ from civilians, being dressed the same way and sometimes living among them, but they are acting as combatants by attacking the Danish soldiers face to face or by planting bombs to explode at Danish convoys passing by. How are Danish soldiers supposed to reconcile such contradictory roles under such conditions?
    Periode11 apr. 201115 apr. 2011
    PlaceringDubrovnik, KroatienVis på kort


    • Luhmann
    • Asymmetric war
    • dehumanization
    • Trust
    • Distrust
    • Military organization
    • War system