Making the Fantastic Real: From Design Fiction to Engineering Fandom

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragKonferenceoplæg


This study - Making the Fantastic Real - provides research on the subject of design fiction, fandom, sharable digital media content on one hand, and real-life engineering artifacts on the other. The study has selected the case of The Hacksmith in order to understand the space of meaning (science and fiction) the production of this specific Youtuber presents to its users, fans, followers, and general public.
Periode28 maj 2021
BegivenhedstitelUtopia & Dystopia Conference: Conference on the Fantastic in Media Entertainment, May 27-29, 2021
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Digital leisure
  • Design fiction
  • fandom
  • Fangineer
  • Lightsaber
  • The Hacksmith
  • YouTube