Methodology in Organization and Management Analyses

  • Kenneth Børgesen (Deltager)

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar, udstilling eller lignende


    The objective of the course is to help the participants in their methodological reflections and choices connected to their PhD project. By contrasting the projects to each other and to selected methodologies for organizational and management analyses, the course aims to give the participants a profound understanding of the key considerations that must accompany studies of organizations and other social systems. The methodology course differs from more specialized courses on method (which typically address only one methodological aspect or approach such as ‘the qualitative interview’ or ‘case studies’) by dealing with the overall methodology of the project: the relation between research questions, relation to the empirical field, theoretical framework, data generation and analysis, and composition of the thesis. It is the ambition of the course to create awareness of and discuss the methodological coherence of each project and the connections between the different elements in the project’s overall research design.
    Periode2 mar. 20156 mar. 2015
    KonferencenummerECTS (5)
    PlaceringFrederiksberg, DanmarkVis på kort


    • ECTS (5)