Music and Learning – how music can invite to diversity in learning environments?

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    Based on a recently finished learning environment-developing experiment within university pedagogy, the presentation outlines how musical activity can contribute to a learning environment that invites to diversity, participation and shared practice in a group of learners. One of music’s characteristics is its evoking effects on us in both a physical (rocking your head with the rhythm of the music etc.) and emotional sense (music attunes emotions). This evoked energy combined with an approach to music as a social and communicative activity, rather than a field of culture that requires specific individual abilities to participate, can contribute to create shared meaning and identity in groups of humans. In this way, music’s power to invite to participation can pave the way to develop an empathic and inviting learning environment that facilitate learning. The presentation invited the audience to participate in a small demonstration of the experiment.
    Periode5 jun. 2015
    BegivenhedstitelLandShape Festival: Seminar 2
    PlaceringHanstholm, DanmarkVis på kort