Paradox Practice Track: Research-Practice Panel

  • Nielsen, R. K. (Paneldeltager)
  • Danielle Bjerre Lyndgaard (Paneldeltager)
  • Garima Sharma (Moderator)
  • Michael Pingel Hansen (Paneldeltager)
  • Natalie Slawinski (Paneldeltager)
  • Angela Greco (Moderator)

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragForedrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed


Paradox researchers, educators and practitioners span disciplinary and professional boundaries to engage with the contradictory yet interrelated elements of work, life, and society. The PREP22 is the first standalone conference ever completely devoted to paradox research, education and practice and we would like to invite you to participate by submitting an abstract for oral presentation.

Rikke Kristine Nielsen was part of the Research-Practice Panel where panelists shared their experience of working at the boundaries of paradox research and practice.

Conference Chairs: Josh Keller and Stephanie Schrage
Research Program Chairs: Harald Tuckerman and Katrin Heucher
Theory Program Chairs: Marco Berti and Marc Krautzberger
Education Program Chairs: Camille Pradies and Simone Carmine
Practice Program Chairs: Garima Sharma and Angela Greco
Special Program Chairs: Tobias Hahn and Jonathan Schad
Periode18 mar. 2022
BegivenhedstitelParadox Research Education Practice (PREP) Conference
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Academia-practitioner gap
  • Societal impact
  • Practical impact of research
  • Organizational paradox
  • Leadership paradox
  • Ledelsesparadoks
  • Action learning
  • Action research
  • Research communication
  • Research dissemination
  • Research co-creation