Poetic Inquiry and the shift from ‘measuring’ to ‘sensing’ subjective and affective aspects of lives lived.

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A Cabinet of Poetic Curiosities
Our research journeys into methodologies suited to researching human lives involve, create and expose cabinets of poetic curiosities. We show how we use poetic form to create linguistic artefacts and processes to display experience, skills, memories, power relations to further develop knowledge and understanding of people and organisations.
In this symposium, we explore poetry as a method of inquiry from a range of facets:
• Using poetic logic in organisational research.
Christina Schwabenland
I will share several instances in which I have drawn on associational thinking and poetic logic as an analytical tool in analysing two areas of organisational practice; diversity management and culture change initiatives. Poetic logic proceeds through association and metaphor, in which the theoretical claims are revealed through the relationships between concepts.
• The socioacoustics of talk in research writing.
Gail Simon
Most human research involves talk: words heard, reported, recorded, re-membered. This matters more than modernist reduction of talk to content allows us to consider. In this presentation, I show how poetry offers possibilities for more “truthful” rendition of dialogue, how it can remind us of the sound and feeling of talk and relational contexts. Poetry troubles the notion of truth and challenges notions of what counts as data in research.
• Exploring meaning making and reflexivity in the liminal spaces of poetic inquiry.
Louise Grisoni
I work with research participants to explore work based dilemmas such as equality and diversity using symbolic self-curation which not only involves the self-curating practice but eventually the curation of the self as practitioner, encouraging a 'gathering' of the self and meta-reflection on that self in ways that are reflexive.
• Poetic Inquiry and the shift from ‘measuring’ to ‘sensing’ subjective and affective aspects of lives lived.
Anne Görlich
There is a need for research that ‘elevates’ the voices of research subjects. ‘Poetic inquiry’ enables researchers to construct analyses that encompass and illustrate complex processes of becoming which contrast with and complement research that focuses on ‘what works’. Furthermore, poetic inquiry-based analyses are shaped by what I call ‘relational optics’
Cabinets of curiosities have a long history. They have invited contemplation, reflection and influenced the development of knowledge arising from detailed categorisation of specialist collections including natural sciences, medical science, anthropological collections and arts. By showcasing the familiar and novel, the visitor is invited in a reflexive review of their taken-for-granteds about the world in which they live. We offer poetry as a method of inquiry as one such collection. Of course, collections often say more about their curators than that which is being displayed so we invite you to consider how variations of the use of the method can add valuable insight into nameable and hard-to-capture phenomena and why this is necessary in order to contrast and complement the current focus on evidence- and effect-based research.

Begivenhedstitel1st European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
PlaceringLeuven, BelgienVis på kort