Reflexive methodology: a workshop

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar, udstilling eller lignende


A PhD workshop with Professor Mats Alvesson: In principle, there are two major routes to producing credible research texts. One is to follow rules and procedures indicating rationality. The other is to deal competently and innovatively with the interpretive, political, linguistic, theory-data fused nature of the research process. Awareness of the various elements influencing the research process and the research results is seen as crucial. Reflexivity emphasizes these aspects and tries to develop ideas for how to avoid traps and pitfalls in the process and how to deal creatively with the various elements in the research process. The ambition is to produce more interesting and unexpected research results through re-thinking conventions and open up for more varied and challenging uses of research questions, fieldwork practices, modes of interpretations and styles of writing.
Periode18 aug. 2015
PlaceringAalborg, DanmarkVis på kort