"The Economy as a Complex Adaptive System - A Schumpetarian Example"

  • Charlotte Bruun (Foredragsholder)

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    The economy is often singled out as a complex adaptive system - not only does it consist of a large number of interacting units, these units also form expectations about the system of which they are a part. Much of economic theory underplays this aspect of the economy eg. by assuming methodological individualism. Other contributions to economic theory have recognized the complexity of the system, but have not had the tools to deal with it. In this talk central aspects of the economy as a complex adaptive system will be discussed, and an example of how computer simulations and complexity science may help revive older economic theories is presented, in the form of Schumpeters emerging business cycles and creative destruction.
    Periode30 maj 2007
    Begivenhedstitel"The Economy as a Complex Adaptive System - A Schumpetarian Example"
    ArrangørBiocomplexity group
    PlaceringNiels Bohr InstituttetVis på kort