The striking movement:: How do percussionists control timing and dynamic level when drumming?

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    Detailed movement control is important for all musicians alike. Professional musicians refine their movements to be able to control sound characteristics and timing. Brief, percussive sounds, such as drum strokes or piano notes, make the degree of success in timing particularly obvious. For percussionists, the short onset times and limited contact with the instrument demand that movements are planned and initiated ahead of time. Tempo, dynamic level, and striking tool (e.g. stick, mallet), as well as the feedback from the playing surface (eg. drum, woodblock, cymbal) all influence the movements and timing strategies during performance. I will present measurements of movements and timing during drumming, and discuss how sound characteristics of strokes are controlled by the players.

    Periode11 feb. 2010
    BegivenhedstitelSound is motion: Open symposium
    ArrangørSpeech, Music and Hearing
    PlaceringStockholm, SverigeVis på kort