Workshop: The ‘craft’ of poetic inquiry

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragKonferenceoplæg


At this workshop, I would like to facilitate a process in which researchers working with poetic inquiry share experiences with each other. Often working with poetic inquiry is a lonely process, in which the researcher has to develop her skills on her own though her experiences and through reading papers.

The workshop will last for two hours and the participants will have the opportunity to present specific ways in which they work with poetic inquiry. How do researchers:

- ‘Craft’ the text produced by poetic inquiry?
- Include the research participants?
- Include theory in the poetic texts?
- Present the text produced by poetic inquiry?
- Develop their poetic inquiry ‘practice’?

The aim of the workshop is to inspire each other and share experiences of the ‘craft’ of poetic inquiry. Furthermore, the idea is also for people to meet each other and perhaps establish an online network of researcher working with poetic inquiry, sharing an interest in developing new ways of working with poetic inquiry.
Periode25 maj 2022
Begivenhedstitel8th International Symposium on Poetic Inquiry