
Aalborg University's Professor Per Halkjær Nielsen, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, discusses a research project that uses surplus biomass in wastewater treatment plants to produce biopolymers, a sustainable alternative to oil-based polymers. "... the work on biopolymers is about producing a lot of biomass in wastewater treatment plants that is actually bacteria that eat everything that enters the treatment plant so that only the pure water remains," he explains. The project, REThiNk, aims to create the foundation for industrial scale-up of biopolymer production, potentially revolutionising biomass recycling worldwide. (Summary provided by Infomedia). Sources:Technology Networks, 18-10-2024Science Blog, 18-10-2024EurekAlert, 18-10-2024Sky News, 19-10-2024Techcratic, 19-10-2024Phys org, 18-10-2024Energy Daily, 20-10-2024Mirage news, 18-10-2024
Periode18 okt. 2024 → 23 okt. 2024


