Stine Louring Nielsen is a trained anthropologist, specialised in the intersection of space, health and atmosphere and currently a PhD Fellow at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, investigating the ambiance potential of coloured illuminations in healthcare environments. For over a decade, Stine has been working together with architects, designers and healthcare professionals on research- and design projects of how the built environment can support healing and well-being for patients, relatives and caretakers. She has presented her work at scientific conferences, architect agencies, health conferences, art institutions and light associations on topics of the potentials of healing architecture, coloured illuminations in healthcare environments, art in hospitals, colour and culture, healthy atmospheres, design anthropology and the concept of home in healthcare institutions.
In today’s episode we talk to Stine about healing architecture, space, sensorics and home making; the manner in which she reconciled her interests in academia and the applied sector through the topic of healing architecture and a successful partnership with the fields of design and architecture; her way into a multidisciplinary PhD and how she built it blending anthropology with 2 other disciplines; her experience in understanding the potential of coloured illumination in healthcare environments and the ethical concerns regarding application of results; her advice to those contemplating a similar blended path.