Additional file 1 of MicroRNAs associated to single drug components of R-CHOP identifies diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with poor outcome and adds prognostic value to the international prognostic index



Additional file 1: Table 1. Rituximab response-specific miRNAs. Table 2. Cyclophosphamide response-specific miRNAs. Table 3. Doxorubicin response-specific miRNAs. Table 4. Vincristine response-specific miRNAs. Table 5. Uni and multivariate cox regression analysis. Figure 1. Predicted survival from various prognostic classifiers vs observed overall survival with the brier score (top row) or time varying AUC (bottom row). Figure 2. Predicted risk group vs 5-year overall survival in the combined GCB dataset. Figure 3. Predicted risk group vs 5-year overall survival in GCB classified patients within each dataset: IDRC, LLMPPR-CHOP, and AAU. Figure 4. Correlation analysis between mature miRNA and miRNA encoding gene. Figrue 5. Correlation analysis between mature miRNA and miRNA encoding gene.
Dato for tilgængelighed2020
