Additional file 1: of The clinical effect of arrhythmia monitoring after myocardial infarction (BIO-GUARD|MI):study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Mrosk, S. (Ophavsperson), Schrader, J. (Bidrager), Jons, C. (Ophavsperson), Sogaard, P. (Ophavsperson), Bloch Thomsen, P. E. (Bidrager), Behrens, S. (Ophavsperson) (1 jan. 2019). Additional file 1: of The clinical effect of arrhythmia monitoring after myocardial infarction (BIO-GUARD|MI):study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.9808703.v1