Additional file 11 of An exploratory investigation of glucocorticoids, personality and survival rates in wild and rehabilitated hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in Denmark

  • Sophie Lund Rasmussen (Ophavsperson)
  • Otto Kalliokoski (Ophavsperson)
  • Torben Dabelsteen (Ophavsperson)
  • Klas Abelson (Ophavsperson)



Additional file 11. Results from the novel arena test. A table presenting the results from the novel arena test. Total duration 900 s/15 min. ∆t out is the latency time before the individual left the carrier and entered the arena. ∆t X describes the latency time before the individual reached the respective zone. ∑ X describes the time spent in the respective zone. V X is the number of visits to the zone. Background is labelled R for hand-reared, rehabilitated, and W for wild.
Dato for tilgængelighed23 maj 2021
