Comparison of the transcriptomes of hmgb1 vs Col-0

  • Rainer Kalamajka (Bidrager)
  • Jeppe Emmersen (Bidrager)
  • Andreas Houben (Bidrager)



Testing the consequences of the absence of the chromatin-associated HMGB1 protein on the transcriptome in Arabidopsis. Keywords: Comparison of mutant and wildtype samples. Four replicate RNA extractions were performed of each genotype using independent pools of plants. hmgb1#1 (Cy5) vs. Col-0#1 (Cy3) Col-0#2 (Cy5) vs. hmgb1#2 (Cy3) dye-swap hmgb1#3 (Cy5) vs. Col-0#3 (Cy3) Col-0#5 (Cy5) vs. hmgb1#4 (Cy3) dye-swap Samples were hybridized in two dye-swaps. The data were normalized over all 4 hybridizations to obtain one, single log-ratio(Sample/Reference). The raw data files of all four of the hybridizations are attached to the Sample.
Dato for tilgængelighed2008
