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15.000+ researchers and practitioners have attended my keynote speeches in the period from 2006-2020.
Impact: Social impact
162.000+ VBN downloads of my works in the period from 2006-2020.
Byrge, C. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact
2013-06. Policy recommendations: Corroborating 'Legitimation typology'
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager) & Fraser, N. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Økonomisk impact, Social impact
2014:06. Creation, legitimation and institutionalization of ICT sector in Yukon, its spill-over effects on other sectors and effect on knowledge economy in Yukon
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Kulturel impact, Økonomisk impact, Livskvalitets impact
2015-05. Legislative Proposals: Restructuring, Rationalizing, and Modernizing Higher Education Sector in the Republic of Moldova
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Økonomisk impact, Social impact
2019-10. Improving quality of Higher Education: Introducing new teaching and learning methods, Problem-Based Learning
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Økonomisk impact
2020-05. Policy brief: On issues and challenges of, and recommendations for the World Bank and Moldovan Government agreement
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager), Lipcean, S. (Deltager) & Reilly, J. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Økonomisk impact, Social impact
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2021-06. Policy recommendations: The Megaprojects at Aalborg University: A review and assessment
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager), Imre, K. N. (Deltager), Nyraad , A. C. D. (Deltager), Zhong, L. (Deltager) & Bjerg, K. L. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Social impact, Kulturel impact
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2021-10. Best results and inspiring practices: A case of PBLMD, a Capacity Building in Higher Education project
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager) & Bugaian, L. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Kulturel impact, Social impact
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2022-05. PBLMD supporting Moldova EU Membership application
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
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2022-07. EUniAM Legislative Proposals as foundation for major reforms in the Higher Education of Moldova
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Økonomisk impact
2023-11. 'Good Practice Example' ERASMUS+ Award for the IETN project
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager), Bujac, A. (Deltager), Taran, Y. (Deltager) & Jakobsen, B. K. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Kulturel impact, Livskvalitets impact, Økonomisk impact, Livskvalitets impact
5 ECTS PhD Course on Sustainability and Circular Economy in a Methodological Perspective
Rana, M. B. (Deltager), Sørensen, O. J. (Deltager), Eduardsen, J. S. (Deltager), Hoque, I. (Deltager) & Amanullah, M. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact, Politisk impact
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Afstigmatisering af funktionelle kramper med tegneserie
Hansen, A. S. (Deltager)
Impact: Kulturel impact
Aktionsforskningsprojekt skal bidrage til mere bæredygtige forretninger
Rana, M. B. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact
Allergivaccination øger allergikeres livskvalitet
Petersen, K. D. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact
Antibiotika forbrug som en risikofaktor for inflammatorisk tarm-sygdom over alle aldre
Allin, K. (Deltager), Iversen, A. T. (Deltager), Jess, T. (Deltager) & Agrawal, M. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact
Antisense oligonukleotider målrettet SARS-CoV-2
Naar, A. M. (Deltager), Kauppinen, S. (Deltager) & Zhu, C. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact
Apparat og metode til at teste bæreevnen af en fundamentpæl
Ibsen, L. B. (Deltager) & Borup, K. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact
Automatiseret rensning af begroning på konstruktioner i vand
Liniger, J. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact, Anden impact
Balanced scorecard og strategikortlægning
Bukh, P. N. (Deltager) & Skovvang Christensen, K. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact
Balancen mellem udbud og efterspørgsel af genanvendelige tekstiler
Dukovska-Popovska, I. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact, Anden impact
AAU Arctic Meeting about Arctic research (Embassy: Canada and US)
Ren, C. (Deltager) & Bjørst, L. R. (Deltager)
Impact: Kulturel impact
Rana, M. B. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Social impact, Økonomisk impact
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Bedre indsatser til sårbare familier
Overgaard, C. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact, Livskvalitets impact
Bedre sundhedsfremme i danske kommuner
Vardinghus-Nielsen, H. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact, Kulturel impact
Bedre udvikling af energiprojekter ved interdisciplinære miljøer
Impact: Kulturel impact, Social impact
Behagelig rehabilitering med musikalsk biofeedback terapi
Dahl, S. (Deltager), Kantan, P. R. (Deltager), Spaich, E. G. (Deltager) & Rovsing Møller Jørgensen, H. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact
Beton skruepæl
Ibsen, L. B. (Deltager), Porsmose, J. J. (Deltager), Madsen, N. (Deltager), Ibsen, M. (Deltager) & Tvede, J. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact
Betænkning om sagsomkostninger i straffesager. Betænkning nr. 1547
Olesen, A. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
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Advisor to JARUS
la Cour-Harbo, A. (Deltager), Martin, T. (Deltager), Putland, T. (Deltager), Nannini, T. (Deltager), Hohtari, H. (Deltager) & Dittrich, J. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
Zago, M. (Deltager), Loupis, N. (Deltager), Piergallini, R. (Deltager), Hebert, L. (Deltager), Campbell, S. (Deltager), Nielsen, M. C. E. (Deltager) & Pedersen, M. M. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact
Bæredygtig affaldssortering
Gram-Hanssen, K. (Deltager) & Katan, L. (Deltager)
Impact: Kulturel impact
Bæredygtige globale værdikæder med multinationalt projekt
Rana, M. B. (Deltager)
Impact: Kulturel impact, Politisk impact, Social impact
Bæredygtigt byggeri med Circle House
Birgisdottir, H. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact, Kulturel impact
Bæredygtigt byplanlægning med sommerhuse
Steffansen, R. N. (Deltager), Sørensen, M. T. (Deltager) & Staunstrup, J. K. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact, Kulturel impact
"BINE Themeninfo - Ventilation in schools": Impact, No. viewings: 3906 (as of 27 Sep 2017); No. downloads: 582 (as of 27 Sep 2017); Print edition: 5500 (as of 27 Sep 2017). It ranks number 5 among 35 Themeninfos of BINE.
Hellwig, R. T. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact, Politisk impact
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Det akutte sundhedsvæsen for borgere: Sammenhæng, overgange og barrierer
Laursen, C. B. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact