"BINE Themeninfo - Ventilation in schools": Impact, No. viewings: 3906 (as of 27 Sep 2017); No. downloads: 582 (as of 27 Sep 2017); Print edition: 5500 (as of 27 Sep 2017). It ranks number 5 among 35 Themeninfos of BINE.

Impact: Livskvalitets impact, Politisk impact

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We have developed a compact summary "BINE Themeninfo - Ventilation in schools" which aims to explain the most important issues, challenges and solutions when implementing ventilation systems in classrooms. In order to have an impact on future school building's ventilation and energy efficiency it is important that knowledge from research finds its way into practical application.
The first publication was made in German language at 15 July 2015 and has been very successful in terms of
Number of viewings: 3906 (as of 27 Sep 2017)
Number of downloads: 582 (as of 27 Sep 2017)
Print edition: 5500 (as of 27 Sep 2017).
It ranks number 5 among 35 Themeninfos of BINE.
There have been also re-prints of parts of this publication in magazines for teachers and architects.
An English version is available as well. It can be accessed using the following link:
A downloadable pdf is available for free, just click the link on the right hand side of the website, below "Service".
Hellwig, R.T.; Hackl, M.; Nocke, C. (2015): Lüften in Schulen. Bessere Lernbedingungen für junge Menschen/ Ventilation in schools. Better learning conditions for young people. In German or English FIZ Karlsruhe (Ed.), BINE Themeninfo I/2015, Energieforschung kompakt, ISSN 1610-8302.
The BINE Information Service reports on energy research topics, such as new materials, systems and components, as well as innovative concepts and methods. The task of the BINE Information Service is to support the transfer of knowledge and information from energy research to practical application. To this end, BINE is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. BINE publications are well received by consultants, designers, planners, industry as well as by students and even researchers in this area.
Impact dato15 jul. 201527 sep. 2017
Impact kategoriLivskvalitets impact, Politisk impact
Impact niveauAdoption