2020-05. Policy brief: On issues and challenges of, and recommendations for the World Bank and Moldovan Government agreement

Impact: Politisk impact, Økonomisk impact, Social impact

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This policy brief provides a multifaceted assessment of the Higher Education Sector in Moldova by highlighting the negative trends and key challenges arising from the decline of enrolment rates, oversized and ineffective institutional infrastructure, poor teaching and research capacities and inefficient allocation of funding.

The approved credit by the World Bank that aims to boost the quality of higher education by making it more responsive to the labour market demands and by enhancing the skillset of university graduates is unlikely to have an impact if invested in the ‘status-quo’ – the deplorable state the Higher Education Sector is currently in – without a radical structural and institutional reform.

To ensure high value and long-term positive impact of the credit, the World Bank should seek a commitment from the Moldovan Government to embark on radical institutional reforms of the Higher Education Sector in line with three strategic policy objectives: rationalizing, restructuring, and modernizing, and earmark part of the credit to support these reforms.
Impact dato12 maj 2020
Impact kategoriPolitisk impact, Økonomisk impact, Social impact
Impact niveauForpligtigelse