Projekter pr. år
The Data, Knowledge, and Web Engineering group at Aalborg University is a leading research collective that focuses on data engineering, data science, and advanced machine learning methods. We participate in a number of cross-disciplinary research efforts in different areas, including bio science, health, and sustainability assessment, and closely collaborate with other groups and departments.
Our joint ambition is to bring meaning to large amounts of heterogeneous data and exploit it in the best possible way for a broad range of use cases and applications.
Our research in data engineering and data science covers the entire big data value chain from data extraction, integration, management, exploration, searching, querying, analytics, data mining, information retrieval, recommender systems to machine-learning-driven approaches for interdisciplinary data science.
In particular, we contribute to the next generation of intelligent information systems by developing breakthrough technologies based on graphs and human-generated data.
Our research in knowledge engineering and knowledge-based systems covers extracting, predicting, managing, and exploring knowledge. We study and develop methods for:
- extracting knowledge from diverse types of data
- utilizing knowledge in prediction tasks including natural language understanding, translation, information retrieval, recommender systems, and social network analysis
- managing, querying, analyzing, and exploring knowledge
In particular, we focus on methods for representation learning and embeddings, natural language understanding as well as knowledge graph management and querying in heterogeneous ecosystems and in consideration of provenance, personalization, user behaviour analysis, and privacy.
Our research in Web science concerns both the Web as a subject of research as well as the Web as a technological infrastructure. We are actively advancing the state of the art in Web social networks analytics, recommender systems, Web data management and querying, online data streaming services as well as other Web science and engineering methods.
In particular, we focus on the use and development of decentralized knowledge graphs and Semantic Web technologies as well data management methods and architectures for heterogeneous and dynamic data on the Web.
For more information see
Samarbejde i de sidste fem år
Guarantees of Factuality in LLM-based Extraction of Financial KPIs from Earnings Transcripts
Bjerva, J. (PI (principal investigator)), Jensen, R. T. A. (Projektdeltager), Rizzi, G. (Supervisor) & Larsen, T. (Supervisor)
01/09/2024 → 31/08/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Digital Twins for Abundant Feedback: Novel Feedback Paradigms via Explainable Multilingual Natural Language Processing
Bjerva, J. (PI (principal investigator)), Lindsay, E. (PI (principal investigator)) & Zhang, M. (Projektdeltager)
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
HEREDITARY: Heterogeneous semantic data integration for the gut-brain interplay
Dell'Aglio, D. (PI (principal investigator)), Lissandrini, M. (Projektdeltager), Rodriguez, J. M. (Projektdeltager), Montoya, G. (Projektdeltager), Fabbian, L. (Projektdeltager) & Trudslev, F. M. (Projektdeltager)
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
MorSeD: Morphological Segmentation of Danish and its Effect on Language Modeling
van der Goot, R., Jensen, A., Allerslev Schledermann, E., Wildner Kildeberg, M., Larsen, N., Zhang, M. & Bassignana, E., mar. 2025, Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Conference on Computational Lingustics and 11th Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies : NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025. Northern European Association for Language TechnologyPublikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceeding › Konferenceartikel i proceeding › Forskning › peer review
SnakModel: Lessons Learned from Training an Open Danish Large Language Model
Zhang, M., Müller-Eberstein, M., Bassignana, E. & van der Goot, R., mar. 2025, Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Conference on Computational Lingustics and 11th Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies : NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025. Northern European Association for Language TechnologyPublikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceeding › Konferenceartikel i proceeding › Forskning › peer review
A benchmark and a multi-stage pipeline for classifying underwater videos at scale
Larsen, S. K., Rasmussen, L. E., Jasulaitis, D., Sagi, T., Hose, K. & Lehahn, Y., 12 dec. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. s. 1-20 20 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
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The Yelp Collaborative Knowledge Graph
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7878446,
Semantic Table Search Dataset
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7684061,
Exploratory Search Workflows (ESW) collection
Lissandrini, M. (Bidrager) & Silvello, G. (Bidrager), Zenodo, 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7913378,
EliteForsk-rejsestipendium 2024
Chen, Y. (Modtager), 26 feb. 2024
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NLP4KGC Best Paper Award
Sagi, T. (Modtager), Zaitoun, A. (Modtager) & Hose, K. (Modtager), 30 apr. 2023
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SnakModel: Lessons Learned from Training an Open Danish Large Language Model
Zhang, M. (Foredragsholder)
19 dec. 2024Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Foredrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed
Evaluating Large Language Models: A Cultural Perspective
Zhang, M. (Foredragsholder)
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Who Cares about Typological Diversity?
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Udforsker Mars: Studerende fra Aalborg samarbejder med NASA
Dell'Aglio, D. & Rodriguez, J. M.
27/06/2024 → 29/06/2024
2 elementer af Mediedækning