- 36 resultater
2021-06. Policy recommendations: The Megaprojects at Aalborg University: A review and assessment
Turcan, R. V. (Deltager), Imre, K. N. (Deltager), Nyraad , A. C. D. (Deltager), Zhong, L. (Deltager) & Bjerg, K. L. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Social impact, Kulturel impact
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Bedre udvikling af energiprojekter ved interdisciplinære miljøer
Impact: Kulturel impact, Social impact
Behagelig rehabilitering med musikalsk biofeedback terapi
Dahl, S. (Deltager), Kantan, P. R. (Deltager), Spaich, E. G. (Deltager) & Rovsing Møller Jørgensen, H. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact
Advisor to JARUS
la Cour-Harbo, A. (Deltager), Martin, T. (Deltager), Putland, T. (Deltager), Nannini, T. (Deltager), Hohtari, H. (Deltager) & Dittrich, J. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
Bæredygtigt byplanlægning med sommerhuse
Steffansen, R. N. (Deltager), Sørensen, M. T. (Deltager) & Staunstrup, J. K. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact, Kulturel impact
"BINE Themeninfo - Ventilation in schools": Impact, No. viewings: 3906 (as of 27 Sep 2017); No. downloads: 582 (as of 27 Sep 2017); Print edition: 5500 (as of 27 Sep 2017). It ranks number 5 among 35 Themeninfos of BINE.
Hellwig, R. T. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact, Politisk impact
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Climate lecture concert @ Arts & Activism stage, Roskilde Festival 2019
Hasberg, K. S. (Deltager), Sejlund, P. (Deltager), Avila, R. (Deltager), Kayaya, S. (Deltager), Jensen, A. (Deltager), Mose, A. (Deltager) & Denise, B. (Deltager)
Impact: Kulturel impact
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Example of Social Innovation: Urban living laboratories for sustainability (European Commission and UN Habitat)
Martin, M. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
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Expert Support Facility (ESF) - Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future
Lissandrello, E. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
HERD-projektet: Interaktion mellem mennesket og robotsværmen
Skov, M. B. (Deltager), Merritt, T. R. (Deltager) & van Berkel, N. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact
Harm threshold for unmanned aircraft in European legislation
la Cour-Harbo, A. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
HESO Project: Impact 2017: 4114 downloads of "Heat strain and performance in offices at elevated outside temperatures. Final Report F2039"
Hellwig, R. T. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact, Politisk impact
HESO Project: Impact 2018: 7354 downloads of "Heat strain and performance in offices at elevated outside temperatures. Final Report F2039"
Hellwig, R. T. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Livskvalitets impact
HESO Project: Impact 2019: 4090 downloads of "Heat strain and performance in offices at elevated outside temperatures. Final Report F2039"
Hellwig, R. T. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Livskvalitets impact
IFIP Annual Report 2022 - Country Member Society report 2022 template - Denmark 2022-09-14
Brooks, A. L. (Deltager)
Impact: Anden impact
Metode og apparat for trådløs kommunikation
Pedersen, K. I. (Deltager), Berardinelli, G. (Deltager), Abreu, R. B. (Deltager) & Jacobsen, T. H. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact, Livskvalitets impact
KEYNOTE - Plenary Opening
Brooks, A. L. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact, Politisk impact, Kulturel impact, Social impact
MIMO Antenne Array Afkobler
Mei, P. (Deltager), Zhang, S. (Deltager) & Pedersen, G. F. (Deltager)
Impact: Social impact, Livskvalitets impact
Rehabilitering med VR i sundhedssektoren
Høeg, E. R. (Deltager)
Impact: Livskvalitets impact, Anden impact
Robotter opsporer defekter i kloaksystemer
Moeslund, T. B. (Deltager), Bahnsen, C. H. (Deltager) & Haurum, J. B. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact, Anden impact
Policy CC 16: Vacant Sites and Temporary Use (Liverpool Local Plan, Liverpool City Council)
Martin, M. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
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Publication of the new SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) German occupational safety rule
Hellwig, R. T. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
Van Poucke, T. F. (Deltager), Schiøler, H. (Deltager) & Skjærbæk Søndergaard, J. A. (Deltager)
Impact: Økonomisk impact
Sustainable Change in the Healthcare Sector
Worsøe Andersen , A. (Deltager), Fritze Jørgensen , S. (Deltager), Gunn, W. (Deltager) & Niero, M. (Deltager)
Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) - Research Coordinator
Lissandrello, E. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact