Projekter pr. år
Head of research group: Thomas Graven Nielsen
Who we are?
The research group Pain and Motor System Plasticity strives to gain a better understanding of the pain system and the involved neuroplasticity.
Our research – what we do?
We do this by investigating fundamentals of the pain system, its neuroplasticity and interactions with the motor system through a multidisciplinary research approach based on a translational strategy from basic experimental knowledge (provoking, probing, modulation, inhibition/facilitation), through clinical models (e.g. osteoarthritis, myofascial pain, work-related myalgia) to clinical screening (e.g. drug screening) and treatment.
We aim to:
Develop new technologies to measure and explore how we perceive, respond and recover from persistent pain and injury
Develop models reflecting mechanisms in persistent pain – provoking, probing and modulating pain neuroplasticity
Identify pain and/or inflammatory mechanisms which are associated to pain and to target these mechanisms
Identify pain-motor system interactions as well as motor-system behaviour preceding pain involvement
How does our research contribute to societal health challenges?
Pain is a major societal challenge with one in five adults experiencing chronic pain problems. With our research, we aim for a better understanding of fundamental pain mechanisms with the perspectives of improving pain management and as such the quality of life for millions of people suffering from pain.
Who are our key collaborators?
Within the Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain, we work together with the research groups Integrative Neuroscience, Neural Engineering and Neurophysiology, and Translational Pain Biomarkers. Moreover, we have an extensive network of national and international collaborators including key opinion leaders in academic and clinical settings.
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Pickering, G., O'Keeffe, M., Bannister, K., Becker, S., Cottom, S., Cox, F. J., Eisenberg, E., Finn, D. P., Forget, P., Graven-Nielsen, T., Kalso, E., Kocot-Kepska, M., Leite-Almeida, H., Lopez-Garcia, J. A., Meeus, M., Mouraux, A., Pereira, B., Puljak, L., Reneman, M. F. & Rohde, I. & 9 flere, , jan. 2025, I: European Journal of Pain. 29, 1, e4767.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
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High-frequency electrical stimulation increases cortical excitability and mechanical sensitivity in a chronic large animal model
Meijs, S., Andreis, F. R., Janjua, T. A. M., Graven-Nielsen, T. & Jensen, W., feb. 2025, I: Pain. 166, 2, s. e18-e26Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
2 Citationer (Scopus)
sj-pdf-1-imr-10.1177_03000605221112046 - Supplemental material for Difference in postural stability between STarT Back Tool subgroups of patients with low back pain under conditions of sensory deprivation and cognitive load
Ingemann-Molden, S. (Ophavsperson), Pessoto Hirata, R. (Ophavsperson), Bach Jensen, M. (Ophavsperson), Graven-Nielsen, T. (Ophavsperson) & Riis, A. (Ophavsperson), Sage Journals, 2022
DOI: 10.25384/sage.20348686.v1,
Datasæt: Supplerende materiale
Difference in postural stability between STarT Back Tool subgroups of patients with low back pain under conditions of sensory deprivation and cognitive load
Ingemann-Molden, S. (Ophavsperson), Pessoto Hirata, R. (Ophavsperson), Bach Jensen, M. (Ophavsperson), Graven-Nielsen, T. (Ophavsperson) & Riis, A. (Ophavsperson), Sage Journals, 2022
DOI: 10.25384/sage.c.6109114.v1,
sj-pdf-2-imr-10.1177_03000605221112046 - Supplemental material for Difference in postural stability between STarT Back Tool subgroups of patients with low back pain under conditions of sensory deprivation and cognitive load
Ingemann-Molden, S. (Ophavsperson), Pessoto Hirata, R. (Ophavsperson), Bach Jensen, M. (Ophavsperson), Graven-Nielsen, T. (Ophavsperson) & Riis, A. (Ophavsperson), Sage Journals, 2022
DOI: 10.25384/sage.20348689.v1,
Datasæt: Supplerende materiale
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